picture of spinach garden in November picture of spinach garden in November picture of spinach garden in November

About this Website

This website describes extending the gardening year for salad crops grown in a temperate climate. It demonstrates a way home gardeners can grow, harvest, and eat delicious salad greens from their backyard gardens 365 days a year, even if a foot of snow covers frozen ground in all directions . . . without a heated greenhouse, and without any external source of heat, except the sun.

This website also demonstrates extending the harvest of tender lettuce crops through the heat of sumer and through fall, right up to Christmas.

The home gardener can do these things. I do it every year, and this website is a report of how I do it.

picture of spinach garden in November picture of spinach garden in November picture of spinach garden in November

picture of spinach garden in November picture of spinach garden in November picture of spinach garden in November

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